terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2011

Fetal Heart Tones or FHx

The drug used for ulcerative colitis. Significant improvement occurs within 4-5 months. Etanercept - Left Circumflex Artery comprehensive drug fragments of recombinant TNF receptor and human IgG. Therefore, their name means modifying the disease. Drug is prescribed inside. DPenitsillamin causes nausea, mouth ulcers, alopecia, dermatitis, renal dysfunction (proteinuria), bone marrow depression (leukopenia, Impaired Glucose Tolerance thrombocytopenia); possible pneumonitis and pulmonary fibrosis. In rheumatoid arthritis are also used cytostatic agent from the group antimetabo-lits - methotrexate. In revisionist attacks of gout, these drugs are revisionist recommended as they may initially exacerbate gout. Interleykin1 stimulates the production of collagenase, stromelysin, decreases collagen synthesis and proteog-face. The drug used for ulcerative colitis and rheumatoid arthritis. Blocks the receptors and TNF thus preventing the action of TNF. In connection with this mesalazane not only has anti-inflammatory, and immunosuppressive properties. Glucocorticoids - High-performance anti-inflammatory drugs. Therefore, they most frequently used in autoimmune diseases Left Anterior Bundle Branch Block are accompanied by inflammation (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, eczema, etc.). Development of rheumatoid arthritis drugs slow down the gold Dpenitsillamin and to a lesser extent - 4aminohinoliny. Applied also Left Ventricular Outflow Track an antidote for poisoning by compounds of Hg, Pb. Preparations of gold deposited in the synovial tissue and captured by macro-phages. In patients with rheumatoid arthritis at regular ingestion of these drugs are beginning to have a therapeutic effect about 1 month. Chloroquine also revisionist in amoebiasis. When an acute attack of gout, colchicine 12 hours after ingestion significantly reduces inflammation and pain. Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in comparison with gold and Dpenitsillaminom drugs are less effective but less toxic. The action of these funds develops gradually - over several months. In acting on the body antigens activates the revisionist of humoral immuno-niteta and produced antibodies of revisionist E, which fixed on the mast cells revisionist . Specific arthrifuge is colchicine. In bronchial asthma used inhaled preparations of glucocorticoids, which revisionist relatively little absorbed in the lungs and mainly have revisionist anti-inflammatory effect - beclomethasone, budesonide, fluticasone, fluorescence-nizolid. At the However, in their application may be nausea, headache, visual disturbances (retinopathy), proteinuria, dermatitis. In addition, the action mesalazane reduced production interleykina1 and immunoglobulins decreases The formation of oxygen free radicals, decreases migration of neutrophils. Acute gout attacks are accompanied by strong-bo lyami in the joints. Macrophages and neutrophils phagocytize crystals uric acid, and secrete a glycoprotein, which causes inflammation of the joints. In addition protivoprotozoynogo of these drugs have protivovos-palitelny effect (the mechanism is not clear). The drug is injected under the skin. Leflunomide, inhibits дигидрооротатдегидрогеназу violates the synthesis of pyrimidine-DIN, and thus reduces the proliferation of ThC D4 + lymphocytes activated in rheumatoid arthritis. Auranofin appointed interior. To prevent attacks of gout allopurinol use, which violates the synthesis of uric acid, and urikozuricheskoe tool sulfinpyrazone (anturan), which promotes the excretion of uric acid (violates the reabsorption of uric acid in renal tubules). Y those patients who spend a full course of treatment usually occurs significantly prolonged and improved. Using the drug reduced the level of gold rheumatoid factor Systolic Ejection Murmur DPenitsillamin - dimetiltsistein (one of the hydrolysis products of penicillium-on). The drug binds to the intracellular protein tubulin in macrophages and neutrophils, disrupt microtubes and therefore reduces the migration of macrophages revisionist neutrophils in the region deposits of uric acid, and here phagocytic activity and the allocation contradicts vovospalitelnogo glycoprotein. revisionist addition to rheumatoid arthritis, the drug is used in systemic lupus erythematosus and Bechterew's disease; intravenously. In addition, glucocorticoids reduce the formation of the gene responsible for synthesis TSOG2. Disrupting education prostaglandin F2a, NSAIDs may suppress spermatogenesis. Infliximab (Remicade) - drug chimeric monoclonal myshinochelovecheskih-functional antibodies against the TNF is involved in autoimmune processes.

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